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sabato 11 gennaio 2020

Germany analyzes vaccines for human use: The results are FEARFUL and in Italy they censor them.

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Germany analyzes vaccines for human use. The results are FEARFUL.

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These shocking data found in vaccines for human use are not like saying "in the water they found traces of aluminum " !! 
Here the thing is very serious! Vaccines are injected into the body and go into the blood, organs and cells of the whole body.


Thousands of euros were donated to a non-profit company in Herrenberg, near Stuttgart, called AGBUG eV to research the elements contained in current vaccines .

Originally, it was intended to investigate the vaccines for their mercury content , but going forward, the association then asked to extend the investigation to all searchable elements.

For this purpose, 16 different vials of vaccines were sent to the Micro Trace Minerals clinical and environmental laboratory, based in Germany, founded in 1975, which operates in the field of analysis of minerals and toxic metals .

AGBUG has now published the results of the first batch on its website (see figure 1)

The 16 vaccines analyzed are:

Afluria 2015/16 [flu shot ],

Bexsero [serogroup B anti-meningococcal vaccine, subject to additional monitoring],

Cervarix [bivalent human antipapillomavirus vaccine],
Gardasil [quadrivalene human antipapillomavirus vaccine],
Gardasil 9 [9-valent human antipapillomavirus vaccine],
Hexyon [new hexavalent vaccine, subject to additional monitoring],
Influvac 2016/2017 [flu shot],
Menjugate [serogroup C anti-meningococcal vaccine],
Menveo [serogroup A, C, W135 and Y + Neis-Vac C conjugated anti-meningococcal vaccine [serogroup C anti-meningococcal vaccine],

Prevenar 13 [13-valent pneumococcal vaccine],
Rotarix [ antirotavirus vaccine],
Rotateq [ antirotavirus vaccine],
Synflorix [flu shot],
Tetanol Pur [tetanus vaccine],
Tetanus Impfstoff Mérieux [tetanus vaccine]
AGBUG e. V. has published the results on its website for a few days.
February 8, 2017: All the results of the 16 vaccines investigated are summarized  on one page

A first evaluation (February 8, 2017) highlights the following:

All 16 tested vaccines contain small traces of mercury.

Eight of the 16 vaccines contain small traces of nickel.

Six of the 16 vaccines contain small traces of arsenic.

15 of 16 vaccines contain small traces of uranium.
All 16 vaccines contain small traces of aluminum, although not stated.
Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Synflorix, contain twice as much aluminum as indicated.

The aluminum content in the so-called inactivated vaccines is 1000 to 6000 times higher than the limit for drinking water.

All these vaccines analyzed in Germany show once again that we are in the presence of polluted drugs on which the security checks are at least insufficient.
The questions are now many and the desire for clarity is always greater.
What harm do these substances cause in allergic people?
How do the pathogenic effects of the substances contained in vaccines work (we know very well that they act synergistically with each other)?
Why are these pathogens included in all vaccines?
Let's not forget that several doctors and scientists have highlighted the toxicity of aluminum on our immune system, yet, we inject it into our children, subjecting them to vaccination where it is present in traces.
Obviously, the counterpart continues to support the absolute non-toxicity of these elements thanks to their presence in micro parts.
Does this also apply to immunocompromised individuals?
(Source: )

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